Pumpable buoyancy to provide controlled, adjustable lift up to 3,000 under water
LiquiBuoy and DeepBuoy offer precise and controlled lift compared to commonly used air bags, bringing an important safety benefit over the notoriously dangerous and difficult to control air bags. Unlike air bags, our liquid buoyancy is non-compressible so has the same lift regardless of depth in the water column, offering safe, controlled lifts.
Watch this video to see the devices in action...
Aubin’s patented pumpable buoyancy products can be pumped to fill objects of simple or irregular shape, unlike syntactic foam buoyancy. The low-density, incompressible, liquid materials offer buoyancy consistent with depth, unlike other products which have reduced buoyancy as they go deeper.
The buoyant liquid can be poured or pumped to fill any void and can generate close to a pound-for-pound lift with an entirely scalable performance able to lift any mass up to 3,00 metres depth.
Developing pumpabale buoyancy products which can be used in Ultra-deepwater lifting in complicated subsea settings.
Three pumpable buoyancy products, DeepFloat, LiquiBuoy and DeepBuoy. When pumped into an annulus, it reduces an object’s mass in water, making it easier for cranes, divers and ROVs to lift.
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